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Report-27: letter to an Iraqi under Bombardment, IPT member Cathy Breen.
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Letter to an Iraqi under Bombardment
IPT member Cathy Breen.
March 27, 2003

peace team ottawa Amal, dear friend, I visited your once lovely home today. How heavy your heart is. I can sense your despair and deep sadness, and I am so helpless to console you. Glass is everywhere shattered and strewn about, the windows and doors now gaping holes for the raging wind and sand to enter. Had it been by natural forces it would be easier to bear. But this destruction is cruel and senseless. Worse yet it is premeditated and purposeful. Its name is war.

How bitter for you, Amal, you who have given so much to so many. How harsh and cruel for you who cherish beauty and safeguard it for everyone to enjoy.

As we walk together over shards of glass, everything looks dismal covered in layers of sand. Curtains torn and rent and beloved belongings no longer where they should be. But then nothing is as it should be. As we make our way from room to room and through the garden area alongside the river, the jarring boom of bombs tell us that the destruction is not over.

Oh Amal, you whose name means hope. I beg you not to give up, but to hold fast to hope.

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